It takes many hands to pull together a production. It takes a family of support to make the production a success. Minerva West welcomes all who wish to participate regardless of ability or expereience. Our mission is to provide opportunities for learning, growth, and mostly fund.
Join us!
Break A Leg: $1 - $99
Bravo: $100 - $249
Limelight: $250 - $499
Ovation: $500 - $999
Encore: $1,000 +
Every donation, large or small, helps us provide opportunities
and is greatly appreciated.
A Limelight donation covers the cost of a microphone for a new voice.
A Mezzanine donation covers the cost of two need-based discounts for a youth workshop.
An Encore donation helps cover the cost of production royalties.
Click the Donate button
below to donate now,
or mail your check to:
Minerva West
PO Box 1126
Ridgway, CO 81432
Balcony: $ 250
Program recognition for business
Mezzanine: $ 500
Program recognition for business
Orchestra: $1,000
Program recognition for business with logo
Box Seats: $2,500
Program recognition for business with logo, logo listed on our website, and 4 tickets
Front Row: $5,000 +
Program recognition for business with logo, logo listed on our website, 6 tickets, and your logo added to our advertising
Presenting Sponsorships also available.
Musical $5,000
Non-Musical $5,000
Make it easy. Make it monthly!
Minerva Monthly
Join the team in support for Minerva West
A Community at Play
Comment (optional)
Minerva West is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our EIN is 88-2140426.
Become a Minerva West Supporter
We LOVE our volunteers! If you would like to help out with box office, costumes, set builds, choreography or anything else, LET US KNOW.
Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch.